2nd Steering Committee Meeting – Dolo, Italy

On October 10th to 12th, our in-person Steering Committee Meeting brought partners from across Europe to Dolo, Italy, where we received warm hospitality from ENAIP NET, an Italian consortium specializing in vocational training and placement services. During this gathering, we engaged in a comprehensive review of initial results, process methodologies, key actions, communication strategies, and our roadmap for future goals.

A significant part of our discussions revolved around WP2, focusing on the national research synthesis, which represents the first step in shaping a sustainable strategy to bridge the gap between the supply and demand for SE education and training.

Being physically together provided valuable opportunities for focused group discussions, workshops, meetings, as well as informal interactions over lunch and coffee breaks. This enabled us to delve deeply into the methodology for WP3, where our aim is to identify the skill needs essential for developing relevant training programs and curricula across the sector. We collectively brainstormed ideas and reached agreements on the competency list.

Crucially, we dedicated time to strategize effective dissemination methods to ensure a unified and prominent message, increasing visibility on this vital subject. Our collaborative efforts are paving the way for innovative approaches to enhance the social economy ecosystem.

The Steering Committee Meeting remains in continuous contact to sustain our ongoing efforts, strengthening our common message. The next in-presence meeting will be on October 2024 in Athens, Greece.





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