About baSE project

baSE – Blueprint for advanced skills & trainings in the social economy (2022-2026)

The baSE project is the Blueprint Alliance for Social Economy and Proximity Skills. It has been selected by the European Commission in the frame of the Erasmus+ Programme.

baSE gathers key stakeholders: Social Economy Federation and support structures at the national and the EU levels, research institutions, vocational education and training institutions, experts and relevant stakeholders.

The Blueprint Alliances are wide sectoral cooperation projects on skills and are a key initiative of the new skills Agenda for Europe. They create new strategic approaches and cooperation for concrete skills development solutions in the 14th key European industrial ecosystems, including Proximity and Social Economy Ecosystem officially recognized in 2020 by the European Commission.

They develop sectoral skills strategy to support the overall growth strategy for the industrial ecosystem and skills needs.

Blueprint Alliances are also asked, among their tasks, to look at how the twin, digital and green transitions are likely to affect jobs and skills needs and provide solutions to fill the gap.

Following the Blueprint principles, baSE aims at reinforcing the capacities of Social Economy and its human capital in key areas involving 25 partners from 10 European countries forming an alliance focused on skills mismatches for upskilling and reskilling of social economy practitioners contributing to developing a new strategic approach (Blueprint) to sectoral cooperation on the offer of skills for new or updated occupational profiles in the SE sector.

The main outputs of baSE will be:

  • Reports on social economy skills gaps defining a long-term and sustainable strategy to fill the gap between supply and demand for SE education and training;
    Development of a framework for “SocioComp” based on the JRC frameworks EntreComp, GreenComp and DigComp 2.2 outlining competences for new Curricula and updated Occupational Skills Profiles;
  • A MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Platform providing interactive courses with user forums or social media discussions to support community interactions. It will ensure a real hybrid learning environment, using blended technologies adaptable to specific needs of the diverse workforce;
  • Upskilling of social economy practitioners by designing and delivering new competence-based curricula focused on Twin Transitions;
  • Policy recommendations to strengthen social economy VET training provision, and to ensure the sustainability of the baSE model as a skills anticipator mechanism.
  • A Social Economy Magazine, an online flipbook for the community of Social Economy experts, learners and stakeholders.

Target groups

The baSE project’s primary target groups are employees of Social Economy organisations, managers, social entrepreneurs and HR of Social Economy organisations, VET Providers, Social Economy supporting organisation, professionals, and entrepreneurs who want to get actively involved in the field of Social Economy.


Coordination team

Higher education and VET providers

Social economy organisations

Quality assurance

Advisory board