
The baSE training catalogue has been developed to address the training needs of national clusters by identifying and filling training gaps.

It underlines the correlations between the new SocioComp – developed by the baSE project – and other existing European Competence Frameworks, such as EntreComp, DigiComp and GreenComp, according to the idea to valorise the SocioComp as a MetaComp model frame and emphasize the three transition skills areas (Digital, Green, Fair&Inclusive).

The European baSE catalogue provides a comprehensive training program for all occupational profiles defined within the project: Managers, Enablers, Supporters, and Workers, and covers EQF levels 3 to 7 and proficiency levels from Foundation (5), passing through Intermediate (12), to Advanced (12).

The suggested learning methodologies reflect the more innovative techniques and teaching methods with adult learners: they are active methodologies, combined with a hands-on approach, encouraging critical thinking and real-world application.

Design a digital strategy, based on a digital diagnosis, contributing to the SEO’s mission and practices

MOOC - Training course available

Discover the EU tools and funds to promote digitalisation in the Community Supported Agriculture Symposium

Implement digital transition and data management: tools and strategies for social economy organisations

Integrate a new ethical data governance model in the SEO

MOOC - Training course available

Integrate Digital Transformation and Disruption in the SE sector

Understand protocols and practices that safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and security of sensitive data

Understand the use of digital tools to enhance member collaboration in (care) SEOs

Use digital solutions for an Agile SE entity

Use Digital Project Management Tools for Success

Use digital tools to optimise collaboration, communication, community and engagement inside and outside the SEO

MOOC - Training course available

Support change management to achieve the triple transition – Green, Digital, Inclusive – within the SEO

Develop a roadmap for sustainable practices in social economy organisations

Adopt inclusive and participatory practices to foster diversity, fair leadership, and inclusive workers’ engagement within the SEO

MOOC - Training course available

Assess the social impact of Social economy organisations

Discover the principles and practices of participation in SEOs

Encourage Diversity, Equity and Inclusion practices (to tackle social challenges) in SEOs

Promote innovative solutions for tackling together societal challenges: co-production and service design tools

MOOC - Training course available

Promote social advocacy strategies as a leverage in the SE ecosystem

Support Psychological Well-being at the workplace as a key leadership competence in Social Economy (Care sector)

MOOC - Training course available

Support the team with ethical leadership

Connect Sustainable and Social Economy Values in Daily SEO practice

Develop an Action Plan on Environmentally Sustainable Practices in SEOs

MOOC - Training course available

Develop a roadmap for sustainable practices in social economy organisations

Exploit operational tools to undertake sustainable internal actions

Implement Green Technologies and Tools in SE Activity

MOOC - Training course available

Implement System Thinking for Social Economy in the Green Transition

Integrate green transition within the organisation strategy

Put your green transition strategy into action, using sustainable practices, new eco-social business models and tools

MOOC - Training course available

Understand the green transition challenges

MOOC - Training course available

Introduce (the application of) Universal Design principles in your SEO