baSE Magazine

Welcome to the Social Economy Insider

A platform for experts, practitioners, and enthusiasts to share their knowledge, experiences and ideas on social economy-related topics. 

We are now collecting material for our 4th edition “Digital Citizenship Education: Empowering Citizens for a Digital and Social Economy”

Wondering how you can support? Send us an email at or let’s have a chat on LinkedIn, SE can showcase its expertise and innovative practices that empower citizens in navigating the AI-driven digital age with confidence, responsibility, and resilience:

  • Send us original content with your brief statement
  • Send us existing content that you feel would fit the theme 


Check below the previous editions:

SE Insider #3

November 2024

In this edition, we explore the dynamics and relationships between Mainstream Businesses (MBs) and Social Economy (SE) models. This issue delves into specific case studies, examining how partnerships between MBs and SEs can boost competitiveness, strengthen market presence, and what barriers still hinder deeper collaboration.

SE Insider #2

April 2024

In this edition, we bring you insights into new projects and partnerships, fundraising opportunities, the latest developments in the Large-scale Skills Partnership, opportunities surrounding the upcoming EU elections, and an original article exploring the imperative need for standards in the social economy, with a special focus on Slovenia. Additionally, discover exemplary practices and innovative models navigating the challenges of the twin transition, and much more!

SE Insider #1

October 2023

This edition focus is exclusively dedicated to the theme of Skills and to shed light on ongoing developments in this field and bring into prominence noteworthy reports, podcasts, and tools that are already accessible for enhancing the social economy sector.
How you can join: 

We want to invite you all to contribute to our magazine !

  • Original content with your brief statement (200/400 words) regarding the topic or Social Economy.
  • Existing content that you feel would fit the theme. It can be videos, podcasts, interviews, projects, etc.
  • Contact us at