The last 20th of March the “EU Focus Group on the Advanced Skills & Training in the Social Economy” was celebrated at the European Association of Institutes of Vocational Training (EVBB) premises.
This focus group was a fruitful space of exchange to know from several social economy organizations working at European level their perception about identified skills related to digitalization, sustainability and inclusivity. The focus group was attended by 6 people from the following organizations: Cooperatives Europe, CECOP, Legacoop and ALL DIGITAL with the presence of 3 partners of the consortium: EVBB, EVTA and SEE.
The meeting started with a brief presentation of the baSE project by Paula de Diego (SEE) with the aim to give the attendees an overview of the project. After that, the core of the focus group conducted by Samir Cheriaa (EVBB) and Joana Xhemali (EVTA) started with a first open discussion about the relevance of different 32 identified skills for workers in the social economy organizations. With this open discussion the participants could express their opinion on every identified skill and exchange points of views. In the last part of the focus group the attendees were requested to fill up a questionnaire in which they provide more information about the relevance of each skill, the profile (managers, employees, practitioners…) who need each skill and the sectorial approach (if the skills are transversal for the whole social economy ecosystem or if they are more relevant in the energy or care sectors). The whole discussions and the results in the questionnaires are already being analyzed.
Stay tuned for more information about the baSE project and all the resources and events coming up in 2023.